The experience that I want people to fall in love with is that of taking the finest elements of Mexican cuisine – one of the oldest – and fusing them with other types of cuisine, using local ingredients and French cooking techniques to create a new concept of Mexican dishes with a French base. We use the very finest ingredients that Mexico has to offer, especially those produced by its coastal regions, such as fish, clams, oysters, octopus, and much more. Take a classic French sauce, add a dash of tequila, a touch of chili, and get something truly innovative but with deep roots.

I’ve always found that much of the passion of Mexico stems from its food. Food, drink, life. This includes even the most basic dishes, such as rice or beans. You will never taste beans like they’re prepared in Mexico. I want to reflect that. Not losing the Mexican element but taking it to another level.

I want guests to live the experience that I enjoy every day in Mexico, that of the people in the markets, an experience so vast and so inspiring that you never grow tired of it. I believe that Mexicans are born with an innate sense of cooking. It’s as if they share a special gene for gastronomy. I try to give back as much as I receive. The Mexican people respect artists. They make us gods here. If you cook – and this goes for mothers and grandmothers in the family kitchen – you are awarded respect.

Chef. Greg Couillard

What an amazing experience all around! Beautiful property located in a slice of paradise. Rooms minimal but well appointed. Food is fantastic-incredible such high quality in this remote place. Staff is so welcoming and ready to help.
Looking forward to my next visit.